About Us
The Tillamook County Emergency Communications District (Tillamook 911) is the Primary Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) for Tillamook County, Oregon. In addition to answering 9-1-1 calls, the 9-1-1 center is the primary dispatch center for all Police, Fire, and EMS agencies within the County.
Located on the North Oregon Coast, Tillamook County is home to a resident population of 25,000 and an annual tourist population of over 1,000,000 visitors.
Mission Statement
The Tillamook County Emergency Communications District is committed to provide Effective and Efficient Emergency Communications to Tillamook County Residents and Patrons.
Tillamook County Emergency Communications District (Tillamook 9-1-1) is the product of the 1988 9-1-1 District formation. In 1986 the Tillamook County Sheriff's Office began operation of the County's Primary Public Safety Answering Point and centralized multi-jurisdictional dispatch center. After it was determined that this type of organizational structure was not a financially viable long term solution, the Tillamook County Board of Commissioners appointed a blue ribbon panel to explore alternative solutions. In late 1988 the Tillamook County Emergency Communications District was approved by the voters and became the state's first 9-1-1 District. The model has now been used to form Districts in Columbia and Klamath Counties. Tillamook County Emergency Communications District, Oregon's first 9-1-1 Special District, is a unique entity in Oregon's governmental structure. This "uniqueness" is a product of the District's dynamic history and its innovative approach in delivering high-quality, high-efficiency services to its citizens.

The District serves all of Tillamook County, which is approximately 1,333 square miles and is home to a resident populations nearing 25,000. Located on the North Oregon Coast, Tillamook County sees an annual tourist population nearing 1,000,000 visitors. District Boundaries encompass the incorporated cities of Tillamook, Bay City, Garibaldi, Rockaway Beach, Wheeler, Nehalem, Manzanita, plus unincorporated portions of Tillamook County including Netarts, Oceanside, Beaver, Sandlake, Cloverdale, Pacific City, Hebo and Neskowin.
An elected five person Board of Directors governs the District. The District's communication center and administrative offices are centrally located in Tillamook.
The District employs ten full-time dispatchers. All dispatchers are certified as Telecommunicators and Emergency Medical Dispatchers through the Oregon Department of Public Safety Standards and Training. The District also employs a leadership team that consists of the District Administrator, Technical Manager and Administrative Assistant.
We dispatch primarily for:
- Three (3) law enforcement agencies:
- Tillamook County Sheriff’s Office
- Manzanita Department of Public Safety
- Tillamook City Police
- Seven (7) fire agencies:
- Nehalem Bay Fire
- Rockaway Beach Fire
- Garibaldi Fire
- Bay City Fire
- Netarts/Oceanside Fire
- Tillamook Fire
- Nestucca Rural Fire Protection District
- One (1) EMS Agency:
- Adventist Health Tillamook
- Manzanita Ambulance
- Garibaldi Ambulance
- Tillamook Ambulance
- Pacific City Ambulance
- Adventist Health Tillamook
We also serve as secondary dispatch for:
- Oregon State Police
- Bureau of Land Management
- Oregon Department of Forestry
- US Forest service
Additionally, the District serves another 76 secondary agencies.